Lee Starnes Photography | Product | Food | Beverage | Travel | Vietnam Photographer

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Keeping it Simple: One Lens, One Focal Length.

Happy New Year everyone! With the new year, its time to simplify, declutter, focus and enjoy the little things. So, I finally parted ways with my last adapted lens from my time with Canon. Since switching to Sony, I’ve used the Sigma 35 1.4 here and there, but never as much as with my Canon kit. Weight, slower autofocus, etc…It started just staring at me from the shelf. Paired with less than ideal alternatives, I kept it around because I love the 35mm focal length. So, when Sony came out with the 35 1.8, it was time to trade it in and go native. Not to worry, the Sigma went to a good home and is already living its best life.

As it turned out, right after picking up the new lens, I had a trip to Hanoi planned. Usually, I travel with a few different lenses because who doesn’t like choice, right? That said, during our workshops, one of the most frequent things we notice as a stumbling block to students pushing their photography to the next level is too much focus on gear and not enough thinking about light, composition and decisive moments. So, I decided to practice what I preach - Keep it Simple, Stupid. Without the option of changing lenses, my feet became more nimble, my mind started seeing compositions quicker, and I generally caught more moments. No faffing about changing lenses, far less sensor dust, and no sore back from all the extra kit! I’ve got a feeling I may start traveling even lighter and more compact in the new year!

I’d love to hear what you guys are looking forward to shooting in the coming months. Leave a comment down below!