Lee Starnes Photography | Product | Food | Beverage | Travel | Vietnam Photographer

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Keeping Creative in Uncertain Times: Quarantine Cuisine Part 1

As things have gotten increasingly weird over the past couple of weeks, budgets have contracted, priorities changed, and many creatives have seen their stream of work dwindle if not cease to exist. Times are not ideal by any stretch. That said, I hope we can all use this downtime to possibly learn something new, shoot a personal project, or catch up on our reading. Also, I’m not technically in quarantine, but I couldn’t help the rhyming title. Either way, let’s all stay home and chill, okay?

With the added down time, I’m sure many have you have reconnected with how the internet is such a bizarro place - Tiger King memes, toilet paper famines, and a whole plethora of rabbit holes to go down. Yet aside from the surreal, there are countless tutorials, professional development tools and sources of inspiration everywhere. If you can’t leave the house, at least make the best of it, right?

As a food and travel photographer, I’m sure you can guess my travel photography assignments and workshops have been put on hold for the time being. We’re all still eating, so I’ve tried to take this opportunity to shoot some of my day to day eats. As I’m not a chef by any stretch, I’m under no delusions that I can cook or plate like one. Don’t care. Food photography doesn’t have be fancy to be visually appealing (I’m looking at you, instant noodle dinner last Thursday). Between delivery and cooking, I’ve been able to refocus, experiment and tinker with new approaches in lighting and styling. We’ll get through this, and hopefully we’ll have some new skills on the other side. Stay safe everyone, and I can’t wait to give all of my friends the long overdue hugs, high fives, and cheers when this all settles down.

Keep checking back here for more updates in the coming weeks and make sure you’re tipping your delivery people!