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Saigon Punk Chronicles : Year End Party

With such a bizarro year wrapping and the quickly upcoming lunar new year, this year’s End of the Year Party was bound to be a banger. I caught all but the first band who started early (this may be a punk rock first) so apologies for not having images for them. The bill consisted of Diarsia, Jaigon Orchestra, Đá Số Tới, District 105, Taiyoken, Do it Dad, and Kaali. Musically it ranged from pop punk to metal to hardcore, so a great mix of styles and people showing up at the show.

I’d be completely daft if I didn’t mention how wild it is that we are in a country where we can actually have shows safely while most every where else on the planet is going into lockdown. Granted things may not be this way for long, but the Vietnamese authorities have done a damn fine job containing the ‘Rona up until now, so fingers crossed that this latest flare up dies down in a hurry. But enough of my rambling, on to the images.


District 105

Đá Số Tới



Jaigon Orchestra

Moshin’, Stage Dives, and other Shenanigans

Moving forward I’ll try to include the flyer for posterity, so we’ll start here. Check out the cool work by Vui Qá