Last weekend Slovenly Records’ We’re Loud Fest descended into Saigon featuring acts from all over the globe. From local hardcore heroes, District 105, to Switzerland’s The Monsters, We’re Loud Fest spanned 4 days and multiple venues in Saigon. Unfortunately, I only got to attend the Saturday matinee, but having an international punk fest come to Saigon is super rad to say the least.
That said, curiously absent from the crowd was the local Vietnamese scene I’ve seen grow over the past couple of years. Yes, a few local bands played, but the faces dominating the crowd weren’t Vietnamese. Saigon definitely has the scene to support this type of event and it would be stellar to see more of the local scene show up and represent. Moreso, a local promoter organizing something like this in the future in addition to supporting touring festivals would be incredible. And before anyone mentions the “fest” few years ago, a Jagermeister sponsored event with PR girls selling energy drinks doesn’t quite cut it. The DIY scene here is more than capable of putting on these types of events without big corporate sponsors.
Anyway, enough of my soapbox and back to regularly scheduled programming. On Saturday afternoon, I showed up around 3pm as Saigon’s District 105 was doing their sound check. Having seen these guys on multiple occasions, it’s always fun times with moshy breakdowns and finger-pointing singalongs. D105’s crowd seemed to be just waking up, and it took a few songs to get people nodding their heads and getting involved. Then again, it was 3pm on a Saturday. The boys still played a solid set and showed everyone what Saigon has to offer in the form of home-grown talent.
Up next was the Saigon-based American/South African duo of Timekiller. Their blend of power-violence and doom was enough to peel the paint off the walls. Sadly, this was their last show in Saigon as their singer, Garrett, is moving back to the States. Boo! They do have a new record coming the early part of next year, so silver linings, right?
Gutara Kyo out of Japan took over after Timekiller and from the very first note, jaws dropped and a chorus of “holy shit” rumbled through the crowd. These guys absolutely destroyed and laid waste to everything in their path. With the urgency of a meth’d up troupe of rodeo clowns, Gutara Kyo’s garage punk on steroids came to get the party started. Overheard was quite possibly the quote of the year - “I heard their singer say if their show is good, he shits his pants.” Thankfully the ghost of GG Allin’s past didn’t make an appearance and the venue remained turd free. If we’re going to talk about ghosts, It felt more like the ghost of Los Crudos in the form of Gutara Kyo's epic set.
Switzerland’s The Monsters took the stage following Gutara Kyo. I’d never listened to The Monsters before Saturday, so as these middle aged red suit-clad gentlemen set up their gear while easy-listening tunes played in the background, I wasn’t quite sure what to expect. Yeah, the first chords threw any notions of yacht rock out the window. Thrashy garage punk rock ‘n roll blasted through the sound system and everyone finally found their dancing shoes. Such a fun show.
I had to leave right after The Monsters, so I missed Hanoi’s Cut Lon, but I’m sure the Pokemon dressed outfit did justice to rounding out the matinee. If you’re not familiar, go check this post from the last time they played Saigon. All in all, definitely a good time and I can’t wait to see more shows like this. Saigon, stand up!
District 105


Gutara Kyo

The Monsters

Since you made it this far, feel free to share this to social, comment, send good vibes or gifts and I’ll see you at the next show.