Photographers get bored. Something new and shiny grabs our attention, foreign destinations dangle in front of us like carrots. Our cameras sit on shelves when we’re home and not on the road or in the studio. It happens when you live in places people love to shoot, too.….…Or, maybe its me and not photographers in general. But I’d guess this happens to a lot of people. You’ve seen something a million times, the shine isn’t as bright as it used to be despite still being endlessly photogenic to so many others…it becomes the mundane. And, then you have a friend come in town and you get to see your city as a tourist all over again and all of a sudden its shiny again. This time, my good friend, Nev and his partner Jacky, dropped me a line that they were going to be in Saigon for a few days and they’d love to go out shooting like we did 8 years ago the last time he was in Saigon. So of course, I said yes and got excited to play tour guide and act like a tourist in my own town. Every time I step outside of my routine and go shoot in Saigon just for the pleasure of shooting, it’s always a good time. Seeing places with new eyes and all that, right?
On a side note, if you’re not familiar with Nev’s work, he’s one of the most talented people I know. Incredible artist and a damn good photographer too. He’s on his way up to Danang this week to paint a piece up there, so if you’re in the Danang area go check out Nam Jam Mural Festival, say hello and show him where all the good food is.
We went out a couple of afternoons/evenings happily snapping away and catching up on life. As he chatted about Saigon the last time he was here, the sheer change of the city became more obvious than I realized seeing as I’ve only seen the incremental change (albiet more rapid than most places) over the past years. The skyline is vastly different and the city has a bit of a different vibe these days. Looking at some of the images we took last time and going back to the same places was eye opening to see the differences. It was fun hearing an outside perspective and think about the city I live in from a new angle. Nev lives in NYC some of the year and left Atlanta a year before I did, so we waxed on about playing tour guides in our new adopted cities. It’s a fun exercise to get out there, find the beauty in what has become mundane or normal and have an amazing time with old friends. Enough waxing on poetic….