It’s hard to really convey into words about how special some places in the world are. That said, if there was a list, Alor is currently sitting at the top. These images have been waiting to get published for around a month. During that time, I’ve been staring at the screen trying to figure out how to say how incredible this place is and I don’t think it’s possible to really convey with words, my photos, or even the mix of the two. These images are from the small time I spent above water in between diving and seeing all the incredible creatures of the ocean. Time seems to stand still. I know I’ve spoken about how time seems to slow down in some places, but somehow in Alor it feels like the world just stops and you’re in that place you’re supposed to be. At least it is for me. I can’t get enough of it.
Every morning before heading out on the dive boat, I tried to catch sunrise and meander around the small town near the dive shop. Only after one day, I was recognised by half the people I came in contact with. I guess the western dude wandering around aimlessly is a bit noticeable. That being said, the people of Alor are so wonderfully friendly. I was greeted by handshakes, hugs, high fives and smiles. This was my second time to Alor and you can check out the photos from that trip here. I was pretty much convinced it was perfect on my first visit….until I came back and realised it just keeps getting better and has me counting down the days until I go back. I think I’ll make this a yearly trip, and I’d love to spend some real time here and setting in to a routine to really soak it all in. Hopefully some of these images will do this place justice.
As far as diving goes, I can’t say enough about the folks at Air Dive Alor. It feels like going to see old friends rather than just going diving. I feel lucky I’m able to call them friends now, and I can’t wait to get back for more epic hangs.