Back at it with the amazing team at Cameron Foggo Design, we wanted to create some dynamic new images for the line coming out this summer. We built new sets, came up with new ideas, and overall had a blast shooting the new line. It’s always so good to have repeat clients so the work can evolve and improve over the course of multiple shoots. Many thanks for the trust and can’t wait until the next one. The last image is a bit of an extra as we blended ambient light with our strobes to create this evening vibe.
For all the photographers, these are a mix of images from my Sony kit as well as the little Fuji x100v. I’ve been taking the Fuji to commercial shoots for behind the scenes shots as well as documenting my lighting for future reference, but on this particular shoot, I grabbed some frames to see if they held up. I think they did, and it just goes to show you, the megapixelZ aren’t the end all be all for cameras. See if you can tell which ones are which. Put it in the comments and if someone gets it, I’ll mail you a free 8x10 print of anything on my website.
If you’re keen on seeing the first shoot, have a look here!